Acorn LPG Office

7920 State Route 44
Ravenna, OH 44266


Office Hours

Our office serves as a hub for client meetings and connections rather than a storefront. Due to our frequent deliveries and service work throughout the day, we do not maintain set office hours. However, we are available 24/7 by phone or email to schedule meetings at your convenience.

Acorn LPG Plant

3884 Lake Rockwell
Ravenna, OH 44266


Plant Hours

Our plant serves as the central hub for storing customer tanks, trucks, and bulk propane, ensuring reliability and safety at every step. With round-the-clock surveillance and stringent security measures in place, we prioritize the protection of both our resources and your peace of mind. While our plant isn't open to the public, it stands as a cornerstone of our commitment to efficiency, security, and top-tier service in the propane industry.